Welcome to week five!
This module will focus on analysing classroom talk through systematic observation and coding and provide guidance on leading colleagues through this process, including aiding in their selection of appropriate analysis and coding methods for their inquiries. This module will also include considerations regarding research ethics for conducting classroom inquiries. Your objective this week is to add detailed information to your facilitation plan regarding supporting your colleagues in capturing the right data for their research questions as well as how you will support them in interpreting and digesting the findings as a group.
Watch the following four videos for an overview of this week’s theme.
Weekly thematic video
Download the video content in written form here.
Video 12: Recording dialogue and coding in your classroom This video presents the different ways in which coding dialogue can be carried out and the associated tools and templates that are provided in the T-SEDA pack.
Video 13: Identifying productive dialogue This video reviews how to identify productive dialogue through coding, focusing on the codes ‘build on’ and ‘challenge’ from the T-SEDA pack.
The following are the coding activity resources that were referenced in video 13 for you to complete:
Video 8: Ethics in educational inquiry This video presents potential ethical issues when conducting inquiries and offers ways to ensure inquiries are conducted ethically.
Note: The above videos 12, 13 and 8 are all from the edudialogue.org site and can also be accessed at: https://www.edudialogue.org/resources/introductory-video-series/
The readings and resources for this module are as follows:
Please review and complete the following two tasks for this week:
Task 1: Add to your facilitation plan
As in prior weeks, please use the above materials to add to your facilitation plan and model. Consider the ways in which you will support your colleagues in familiarising themselves with the coding scheme and available templates. Are there some that will work better in your setting than others? Are there any that require adaptation to be more relevant for your setting? You will have to also consider the ways in which you can ensure your colleagues are supported in conducting ethical inquiries (e.g. hosting an initial ethics workshop and then having ethics as part of weekly check-ins).
Task 2: Review the coding webinar
The coding webinar below offers a couple examples of coding whole-class and small group dialogue, which you should be familiar with. You can also use this webinar with your colleagues if that would be helpful. Download the resources prior to watching the webinar as you will need these to complete the activities.
Resources you will need to complete this webinar: